Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention 

Fraud is a multimillion-dollar business in Canada, with fraudsters constantly changing their scams as we become aware and learn to prevent them. This page is dedicated to help our members be fraud aware and help prevent fraud. 

Knowledge is power

The number of fraud schemes created by scammers hoping to part you from your money is endless.

To protect yourself from fraud and avoid the costs of being scammed, you need to know how these scams work.

Little Black Book cover

Little Black Book of Scams

Scammers are sneaky and sly. They can target anyone, from youngsters to retirees. No one is immune to fraud.

Click attachment

Fraud Prevention Tips

Take a look at these Fraud Prevention tips. From eTransfer scams to phone scams, crypto scams and romance scams to help keep you safe. 

Scam alert

Scam Alert!

Check out the newest scams that the target Canadian consumers!

Blogs on Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention Blog1
Protecting Yourself from Fraud
Over 34,000 people were victims of fraud in Canada in 2024. This marked a decrease in the number of victims compared to 2023, yet the total amount lost to fraud rose from $578M in 2023 to an even more shocking $638M in 2024.
Fraud Prevention Blog2
Cyber Security Awareness
With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, individuals and organizations need to stay informed about best practices for safeguarding sensitive data.
Fraud Prevention Blog3
Fraud Prevention: Impersonation Scams
Scammers have thousands of tricks up their sleeves, but there are a few that tend to top the list year after year. Experts say that’s because they prey on universal human emotions such as love, insecurity and fear.
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